Guidelines for parents
East Brunswick Public Schools
Club/activities are available in each school.
A minimum of fifteen (15) students are required for each club/activity with the exception of academic or athletic teams.
Parents must register for clubs/activities online at Please refer to the Quick links on the left side of the web page and click on “Online Registration and Pay”.
If parents have not already established a CommunityPass account a temporary username/password to log into the “Online Registration and Payment” website is required. This information was previously mailed out to all families. If you have misplaced this information, please contact (732)613-6674 and the Financial Services department will be able to assist you.
Parents must complete online registration and payment prior to the student participating in any activity. No checks are to be given to the advisor or delivered to the school.
Students will be charged a $15 fee for participation in each club/activity in accordance with the board approved club/activity report. Once the fee is paid, there will be no refunds unless the club/activity is cancelled. All participation fees must be paid in full by October 31st to avoid a $5 late fee. For club/activity registrations that open after October 31st, there will be a two week period to register prior to being charged a $5 late fee.
The $15 pay-to-participate fee is separate from any club dues or fees that may be associated with the club/activity and must be paid online.
Students will not be charged for course components, clubs that are part of an intervention program, safety patrol or when eligibility for free and reduced lunch has been established. Please note that all students registering after the established deadlines will be charged the $5 late fee regardless of type of club or lunch status.
All outstanding district fees (i.e. school aged childcare, pay-to-participate fees, fines, etc.) must be fully paid in order for a student to participate in extracurricular activities for the school year. Parents with questions regarding outstanding balances can contact (732)613-6674.