Activities Available
Grades: 3,4
Meets: Thursday, 8:05am-8:55am
Advisor: Mrs. Barnes
Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge achieved in music classes by performing in choral groups, presenting concerts for community events, PTA programs, and other special events.
Math Club
Grades: 3,4
Meets: TBD 8:15am-8:55am
Advisor: Mrs. Marrone
Students will practice math skills, critical thinking, and logic through games and activities. Students work in groups, pairs, and individually to complete puzzles, play games, and solve problems using various manipulatives and computer applications.
Safety Patrol
Grade: 4
Meets: Every Other Tuesday, 8:15am-8:55am
Advisor: Mrs. Marrone
Works with school personnel to promote school safety by providing student patrols. Students must maintain school-wide behavioral expectations to be considered for a Safety Patrol position. No Fee.
Student Council
Grades: 3, 4
Meets: Friday, 8:15am-8:55am
Advisor: Mrs. Vidnansky & Mrs. Thompson
Gives third and fourth graders an opportunity to plan and implement school service projects that benefit the community. Coordinates school activities, student government, and promotes school spirit. Serves as an extension of the social studies units, community and civics.
Garden Club
Grades: 3, 4
Meets: TBD 3:40-4:40
Advisor: Mrs. Grant
Third and fourth graders will work to revitalize and maintain the Bowne-Munro garden. Students will learn the basics of weeding, planting and designing a sustainable garden.